
December 03, 2008

What are they going to do -- cancel Christmas?

Well, yes they are, at least at Greenwood Junior School in Nottingham, England, because the annual Christmas Pageant is inconvenient for Muslim families.

Greenwood Junior School sent out a letter to parents saying the three-day festival of Eid al-Adha, which takes place between December 8 and 11, meant that Muslim children would be off school.
That meant planning for the traditional nativity play were shelved because the school felt it would be too difficult to run both celebrations side by side.

The move has left parents furious.


[A] letter, sent from "The staff at Greenwood Junior School', said: "It is with much regret that we have had to cancel this year's Christmas performances. This is due to the Eid celebrations that take place next week and its effect on our performers."

The school is to hold a number of children's Eid activities for those pupils who do not take two days off to celebrate with their families.

Following outrage from parents, the school was forced to send out a second letter saying that the Christmas play would be done in January.

Sent by the head teacher, Amber Latif, and Yvonne Wright, chair of governors, it apologised for "any misunderstanding" but said it had to respect "the cultures and religions of all the children".

It added: "The Christmas performance has not been cancelled outright but has been postponed until the New Year."


Yesterday, a statement issued by Greenwood Junior, said: "We would like to apologise for any confusion caused as a result of [the original] letter we sent out and would like to reassure parents and the community that Christmas has not been cancelled at Greenwood Junior School.

"For very practical reasons we have taken the difficult decision to re-arrange some significant events on the school calendar to ensure maximum pupil and staff attendance."

And the slow-motion suicide of Western civilization continues, one idiotic, multi-culti, politically correct act at a time.

No, Christmas hasn't been cancelled; it's just been rescheduled into January.

Interestingly, the only Muslim parent quoted in the story doesn't seem to want the Christmas pageant put off.

Sajad Hussain, 35, of who has two children at Greenwood Junior, said: "My children will be off for the two days next week to see their family.

"It's not that complicated; they could have one event on one day and another on another day, they should have both celebrations at the school.

"If you do not have both it becomes a racist thing and that's why you have to be careful If an issue is made out of it, it could become nasty."

Hussain's statement would seem to indicate that this idiocy is the product of non-Muslims seeking to prove their multi-culti sensitivity bona fides.

That it means gross disrespect for the customs and practices of Christians is of no moment.


Posted by Mike Lief at December 3, 2008 09:03 PM | TrackBack


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