
December 14, 2008

John McCain sides with Obama -- against the GOP

Well, that didn't take long, did it? Less than six weeks after McCain ended the single most ineffectual campaign since the French handed over the keyes to Paris in 1940, the RINO-in-Chief is throwing his supposed party under the bus.

According to The Politico:

In a surprising rebuke to the warriors who fought for him through tough times, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Sunday sided with President-elect Barack Obama and scolded the Republican National Committee for fanning the Illinois corruption scandal.

Now, I suppose in the furthest reaches of my soul there was some small glimmer of hope that months spent trying to convince GOP voters that he really was a Republican -- and then somehow getting the nomination -- would have convinced McCain that he actually wasn't above party politics. That there are two parties in the U.S., that a politician has to pick a side, and that a presidential campaign ought to have firmly cemented in his mind to which party he belongs.

What was I smoking?

Obama's entire political career -- short though it may be -- is intimately connected with Tony Rezko and the cesspool that is Chicago politics. With the interesting silence from Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel about contacts with the disgraced Illinois governor over the price of Obama's seat in the U.S. Senate, it becomes a legitimate line of attack for Republicans to ask what Obama knew about the pay for play, and when did he know it.

The last thing -- the last thing -- McCain ought to be doing is hitting the Sunday news shows and playing offense for the man who crushed his hopes of ever sitting in the Oval Office -- other than as a guest.

More than anything else, I want McCain to just shut the hell up and go away. Or just get it over with and switch parties. At a bare minimum, I hope the Arizona GOP has the balls to support a challenger in the GOP primary and consign McCain to the great politico trash heap of history.

Posted by Mike Lief at December 14, 2008 10:17 PM | TrackBack


McCain is a sell-out. Honour is not with him. To me his previous military career is no more important to his current respectability than is John Murtha's or Duke Cunningham's. CrapWeasels all.

Posted by: The Litttle Coach at December 14, 2008 10:42 PM

Shakespeare did not know McCain, but he knew his type. I borrow from Antony's address concerning one of Caesar's assassins, "But McCain is an honorable man..."

Yep. Too honorable to talk about Obama's weird and sullied connections.

Too honorable to admit that he was hamstrung by his own, stupid, campaign finance system that his opponent ignored.

Too honorable to defend Palin (whose actual, real conservative credentials shored up his campaign) from smallheart staffers' dishonorable whispering campaign with an eager press after his failure.

But ready, willing, able, and not too honorable to try to once again become the media sweetheart by publicly criticizing his party for stating the obvious - that Obama and the other Illinois politicians who lived and worked in the gutter of Illinois politics have some explaining, and housecleaning, to do.

The man deserved to lose. America does not deserve Obama as its president. The people of Arizona should dump this conflicted, erratic opportunist.

Posted by: ecmarm at December 15, 2008 06:23 AM

McCain and Obama were rivals in an election. That gives them somewhat of a common bond. The Illinois governor was cursing Obama and his camp for not giving in to his demands according to what has been reported. This makes it unfair to try and hook Obama to a scandal before he begins his term in office. Any person who fights the politics of destruction is good. Any party who throws mud at an undeserving target like Obama is bad. Good versus bad. McCain good. Republican mud slingers bad.

Posted by: I live green at December 15, 2008 07:00 AM

Nothing about politics and leadership is "fair." "I Live Green" apparently thinks that "fair" means "no criticism." Even the MSM can't give Obama a free ride forever when the venality or disloyalty of one after another of his close associates is revealed. One positive side-light of this unfortunate election will be the light cast on the creatures that slither from beneath the Democratic rocks to climb into the public trough.

Posted by: The Litttle Coach at December 15, 2008 07:54 AM

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