
January 04, 2009

On ABC's This Week

From the roundtable, leftist whacko Katrina vanden Heuvel, who moonlights from her day job of hating conservatives, capitalists and Pres. Bush by serving as the publisher and part-owner of The Nation, offering this observation on the move to block embattled Illinois Gov. Blago's pick for the U.S. Senate:

This is a sideshow; Congress needs to put people back to work and get started on a "Green Economy..."

That's right, Katrina, everyone knows it's Congress -- feckless crapweasels in the pocket of unions and other assorted special interests -- who create jobs. Not businesses, owned and operated by those despicable, profit-seeking capitalists, who hire workers, but politicians.

Vanden Heuvel, whose voice drips condecension and contempt whenever commenting on anyone -- or anything -- to the right of Mao, Fidel and Lenin -- thinks the answer to whatever ails the U.S. lies within the massive minds of congressmen and senators, who have done such a wonderful job running Congress.

Egad. What an idiot.

Posted by Mike Lief at January 4, 2009 08:53 AM | TrackBack


Katrina does not speak to me. She is part of an increasingly long list of people who do not speak to me. The president-elect does not speak to me. I cannot see, hear, or read them. I do not receive their transmissions. My communication suite does not read them. What they say is white noise, or spam, though it insults a great product to call them such.

Posted by: The Litttle Coach at January 4, 2009 02:55 PM

So what should congress be doing? Her point seemed to be that congress has more important things to do than deal with this ridiculous political scandal; I think anyone would agree with that.

Also "Mao, Fidel and Lenin" is pretty ridiculous; The Nation is essentially a mainstream Democratic magazine at this point. They endorsed Obama not McKinney or Nader or whoever. Maybe you could get away with calling her a socialist but bringing up Mao and Lenin is just silly.

Posted by: Thomas at January 4, 2009 03:17 PM


My "Mao, Fidel and Lenin" line is a direct comment on vanden Heuvel and her hard-left preferences, and not so much a knock on her more moderate magazine.

That the Democrats don't want to seat Obama's replacement in the Senate is a trainwreck too good to miss; a former Black Panther who now serves in the House of Representatives likened it to a lynching by the all-white Senate (Democratic) leadership.

By the way, I noticed you left "Fidel" out of your remarks ("bringing up Mao and Lenin is just silly."); I guess Castro's not too far out there, eh?

Posted by: Mike Lief at January 4, 2009 03:44 PM

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