
January 04, 2009

Ventura's economic woes

We ran our errands today and, as is often the case, found ourselves crossing the Santa Clara River as we left Ventura and headed one town over to Oxnard, where Costco, Best Buy, Walmart, Sam's Club, Fry's, Home Depot and the soon-to-open Whole Foods lure like-minded Venturans to the 'Nard.

You see, Ventura's city council is implacably hostile to business, especially the dreaded big-box retailer. As a result, when companies looking to open their doors in the Ventura area find a less-than warm welcome in my fair burg, they need only look to nearby, blue-collar, not-nearly-so-snooty Oxnard.

Consequently, Oxnard is raking in the sales tax revenue, and, perhaps coincidentally, enjoys a $15 million surplus and a balanced budget.

Ventura, on the other hand, has a $4 million deficit, ballooning to $10 million in 2010, according to the local fish wrap.

Now, I realize that Ventura fancies itself Santa Barbara South, and Oxnard has a little problem with shaven-headed thugs living La Vida Loca, but still, it's interesting that the fancypants city with taxpayer-funded artworks (like the bus shelter that provides no shelter from the elements) and the allergy to hosting successful retailers can't make ends meet.

Yeah, Oxnard may have a crime problem, but they don't have a budget problem, thanks to the business-friendly attitude of their city council, and the fiscally responsible policies of their mayor.

Too bad the stupes in charge down at Ventura's city hall can't be bothered to reconsider their anti-growth, budget-busting ways.

Posted by Mike Lief at January 4, 2009 06:23 PM | TrackBack


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