
February 08, 2009

Bird watching

The birds began arriving early in the morning, the first avians parking in the Golden Raintree, scoping out the feeders and checking for any lurking predators. (Click on image for full-size version)

The second shift arrived, and soon there were about thirty birds in the tree. After a few moments they began descending on the feeders, and the feast was on.

How'd that Nyjer thistle seed feeder work out? Thanks for asking -- it was a hit with the finches, who turned out by the dozen. But they didn't stick around for long. I was drinking a cup of coffee when I noticed an explosion of panicked birds fleeing in all directions -- at least a hundred, I think. I caught a glimpse of something big, very big, and ran for the camera.

Hawk 1.jpg

Hawk 2.jpg

Something wicked this way comes, or at least something very, very deadly. This fellow fixed me with a steady, cool gaze when I stepped outside, then calmly took flight, looking for easier, less-alert pickings.

Posted by Mike Lief at February 8, 2009 11:28 PM | TrackBack


Ah yes, the American Kestrel, or commonly called a sparrow hawk in So. Cal. They are beautiful little creatures, but deadly to smaller prey. Perhaps the most colorful raptor in the world, the American Kestrel is the most common falcon in North America.

You are a lucky man to capture an image of this one in your yard. She looks hungry......

Posted by: Schmedly at February 10, 2009 01:43 PM

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