
February 18, 2009

What was the damn rush?

Steven Green, aka Vodkapundit, with a not-so-random observation:

Let me get this straight. The Pork Package was too important to actually read, debate, or let the public see before Congress approved it. But not so important that it couldn’t wait a few days for President Obama to sign it at a big campaign rally event in a swing state.

Did I get that right?

Yeah, Steve, you did. It wasn't that it needed to be passed quickly to be signed quickly; it needed to be passed fast so we, the great unwashed masses, didn't have enough time to read it, get pissed off, and demand the heads of any crooked pol willing to vote for it.

Casting a principled, knowledgeable vote?

Why would that matter?

Posted by Mike Lief at February 18, 2009 09:49 PM | TrackBack


I dont know about you, but I'm getting the feeling that we are being "socialized" by those in govenrment who think giving away my money is a sport. Free enterprise and the freedom to leave govenrment out of your life is dying--or may already be dead. It's beginng to sound like our new president and the throngs of other neoliberalites want you and me to pay for all the bad decisions, health care and probelms encountered and caused by others. I dont have a mortagge probelm--I always pay it on time. I dont have a credit problem, again becuase I pay what I owe. I dont have a job problem, becuase I worked hard to become educated and work even harder to continue to succeeed. I pay more taxes than 75% of people who have jobs, but I get none,zero, zilch when it comes to benfits. I still have a mortgage, I'd love to say I cannot pay it and let the government help me pay it, but even if I can't I still believe it is my responsibility. I dont rely on govenrment help and dont intend to, and yet, the govenrmnt wants me to pay for all the foolish decisions of others, including big businesses. This is bullshit. I work harded than 95% of people, I'm not rich, but half of what I make ends up in the hands of others to pay for their probelms. I'm sick of it and particulary sick of all the politcal nonesense and liars in Sacamento and Washington DC.

Real Americans quietly pay their bills, work hard, keep their families safe....others dont

Posted by: schmedly at February 19, 2009 08:40 AM

LOL...Excellent cartoon. It's such a shame that those of us who aren't "rolling in the dough" are still watching half of our hard-earned money wind up in the hands of people who don't have the first clue what they are doing...

Posted by: National Transport LLC at February 20, 2009 02:59 PM

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