
February 28, 2009

Definitely not normal times

I received the following update this morning from the CMP -- the Civilian Marksmanship Program -- the organization responsible for selling surplus M1 Garands, M1 Carbines and Springfield 03A3s to qualified members of the American public.

ORDER BACKLOG. Normally, we average receiving 2,000 - 3,000 sales orders per month and ship an order in 2-3 weeks.

However, these are not normal times.

Since October, 2008 we have been receiving 5,000 - 10,000 orders per month, which is several times normal. As a result, we are very backlogged and running several weeks behind on processing orders.

Our staff is working up to 12 hours per day 7 days a week, and only today finished the 4,000 orders we received on 1 December alone.

Customers with outstanding orders should expect orders to ship approximately 100 days from the date the order was received by CMP.

We expect to recover from this surge in another 3-4 months (assuming the number of orders being received drops somewhat).

It warms the cockles of my heart to know that the mere election of Obama -- who promised not to take our guns -- has spurred Americans who believe in the plain meaning of Second Amendment to buy more guns.

A lot of guns.

The speech by Attorney General Eric Holder this week, calling for a renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban, should be good for millions of additional sales of scawy bwack wifles.

Notwithstanding the backlog, I encourage you to head over to the CMP's website. There's no better place to acquire a piece of American military history at a reasonable price; I got my Garand, a very clean 1942 Winchester that may very well have helped defeat Japan and Germany, for about a third what they were selling for before we elected the Gun Banner in Chief.

If you've never heard of the CMP, you're either a gun-hating moonbat, or a conservative living in gun-hating, moonbat territory.

The CMP was established by Congressional act in 1916, as a result of the poor marksmanship of American military recruits. For 80 years, the Army ran the program, until Congress turned it over to a not-for-profit, the Corporation for the Promotion of Rifle Practice & Firearms Safety, Inc.

I intend to show my support for our new president and his economic stimulus porkulus package(s) by going to the local gun show this morning and making a purchase from a purveyor of fine armaments, as well as ordering another rifle from the CMP, too.

It's my patriotic duty, like paying taxes.

Posted by Mike Lief at February 28, 2009 07:08 AM | TrackBack


Yeah - I was at the gun shop today (the SA reps were in with their traveling road show). Lines out the door - I think Eric Holder is a mole for the NRA and gun manufacturers.

Check out the Hornady reloaders - they are estimating 4-6 months to fill ammo orders and they don't even sell their reload presses on-line anymore.

Posted by: andrewdb at February 28, 2009 09:57 PM

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