
March 01, 2009

Gun show report

The line to get into the gun show at the Ventura Fairgrounds was longer than I've ever seen, stretching past the Derby Club (the off-track betting establishment to the left of the gates). I spotted cops, DAs and defense attorneys standing in line, along with bikers, veterans, families and retirees. The crowd appeared to represent every demographic group, with one common characteristic: an intense dislike for the Obama-backed gun ban touted by Attorney General Holder.

The NRA was doing a brisk business, signing up new members and getting current members to renew, working the line.

Inside the three buildings hosting the show, the vendor doing the most business was an ammo dealer, with people packed three and four deep all 'round the enormous booth, cases of rifle, pistol and shotgun ammo stacked on pallets and tables, staff rushing to keep up with the onslaught of shouted orders and proffered credit cards.

The number of vendors offering new weapons for sale was down -- way down -- and I suspect they didn't bother to come to the show because they'd already sold all their inventory. There's no other reasonable explanation, given the off-the-charts demand and the scads of cash in the hands of customers eager to spend.

When it comes to stimulating the economy, it's clear that Obama has shifted arms sales into overdrive.

Posted by Mike Lief at March 1, 2009 09:01 AM | TrackBack


To get lots of sellers the promoters opened it up to jewelry, food, toys, Old West clothing and Nazi armbands. I didn't buy anything and the prices made me grateful I bought my guns when and where I did. Very few of the high value shotguns this time, just as I had come to the idea that I might invest in one. As an investment, you understand. A guy next to me got the bad news that NOBODY makes ammo for his rifle anymore. I didn't catch what he said he had, but it must be a real odd duck. Crossroads of the West in Phoenix, here I come.

Posted by: The Little Coach at March 1, 2009 04:19 PM

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