
March 08, 2009

A study in contrasts

While Pres. Bush disappointed conservatives, he seemed to have left office still popular with the military.

Check out the way he is received by the Marines -- and then the more ... restrained reception for his successor.

Typical of the Leftard view of our military is this comment by John 3427, from the Youtube page:

This video shows how stupid US soldiers are!

One guy starts a war for no valid reason whatsoever and over 4,000 soldiers die all the soldiers are so happy and applaud.

Another guy wants to stop that war and stop soldiers from dying and all the soldiers are sad.

What a bunch of retards. It's like Turkeys applauding for Christmas!

No, it's more like warriors applauding their Commander in Chief, a man who has personally written to each and every family that lost a loved one in the war in Iraq, a man who they know values and honors their service and sacrifice.

Those Marines aren't afraid to show their appreciation for Bush; on the other hand, the golf claps for Pres. Obama are downright hilarious, nearly the "silent insolence" that used to be a court-martial offense in the Old Corps.

Semper fi, Mac!

Posted by Mike Lief at March 8, 2009 01:23 AM | TrackBack


Perhaps these soldiers, having met an enemy who would gladly eat John 3427's lunch, who would insist Americans become Islamists or die, who would replace the U.S. Constitution with Sharia law and make our country a terror-ridden Lebanon in the process, can connect dots which poor John fails to see.

4,000 American deaths is too many? The count was well over 50,000 in the Viet Nam era (thanks, LBJ), and over 416,000 in WW2 (thanks, FDR). What would John's life be worth if our troops had not shown such courage?

Is John afraid he will be drafted? Shows of cowardice invite hostilities in the real world.

Appeasement has never worked very long.

Posted by: Vigilis at March 8, 2009 01:36 PM

The "tepid" response of the soldiers will get worse when the few who get left behind in the withdrawal are slaughtered by the resurgent insurgency. Or, if God smiles on the soldiers and they live to get back, they will feel betrayed when they discover that the "budget" has only a 1% increase in spending while 10,000 local pork projects (including the "pig smell" research project) are fully funded. The military is going to remember the Carter era as "the good old days" by the time The One is finished.

Posted by: The Little Coach at March 8, 2009 05:39 PM

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