
March 22, 2009

Fox News Sunday: Charlie Rangel

The longtime New York congressman, who sounds like he gargles razor blades, is explaining why he supports taxing the bonuses awarded to AIG employees at 90 percent:

It's Congresses job to make the American people feel better.

And there you have it, ladies and gents, the Democratic Party's core principle: They exist to make you and me feel better.

Two objections spring to mind, the first being I can't find where this duty is laid out in the Constitution. I realize that for liberals the Constitution is a "living, breathing document"; what I hadn't understood was this New Age-y, "If it makes the People feel good, we must do it!" aspect of politics.

Apparently, the only way to make me feel better is to tax the crap out of people who happen to be unpopular.

Jeez, I hope you or I never become so unpopular.

The second take away for me from listening to the unlistenable Rangel is this: If Congress believes its job is to make the People feel better, then they're failing miserably.

Totally, absolutely, completely failing.

Do you feel better?

Posted by Mike Lief at March 22, 2009 08:26 AM | TrackBack


From The Audacity of Hope, by Barack Hussein Obama:

"I find myself returning again and again to my mother's simple principle--'How would that make you feel'--as a guidepost for my politics."

Posted by: lt at March 22, 2009 06:42 PM

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