
June 01, 2009

How's Obama doing so far?

Not great, if Rasmussen's numbers are accurate -- and the polling firm has a pretty good track record.

According to three recent polls, Obama's failing to convince a majority of Americans that he's heading in the right direction on a variety of issues,

Let's go to the numbers, shall we?

Last week the Obama administration floated a trial balloon for a national sales tax -- a "VAT," or Value Added Tax like the Euros pay -- to close the humongous Obama-made national debt. Only 18 percent of Americans are in favor, with a whopping 68 percent opposed.

How about the nomination of Judge Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court? Obama says she's an inspirational figure, and an obvious sop to women and Hispanic voters. According to Rasmussen, 87 percent of Americans think she'll be confirmed to the High Court. Great news for Obama, right? Not so fast, Floyd. Only 45 percent think she ought to be seated on the Supreme Court, hardly an overwhelming vote of confidence in the nominee -- or her patron's judgement and powers of persuasion.

And what about GM? On the morning when the world's largest automaker declares bankruptcy and the Obama administration pays billions of dollars to become the majority shareholder, what do the American people think?

According to Rassmussen, only 21 percent of those polled favor Obama paying $50 billion dollars for a 70-percent stake in the automaker, with 67 percent opposed to the bailout. When the pollster followed up by asking if GM should be allowed to go under, the numbers didn't shift all that much: 32 percent favored saving the automaker, but 56 percent still preferred letting GM die.

But Inside-the-Beltway Washington types, who consider themselves much smarter than the great unwashed masses, favor the bailout by a more than 2-to-1 margin.

As an aside, I'm curious how the United Autoworkers are polling after receiving huge stakes in GM and Chrysler.

While a small statistical sample, I think this bodes ill for Obama's continued plans for a radical economic makeover of the nation; what did Pravda call it? Oh, yeah, a "rapid descent into Marxism."

Up next: Socialized medicine.

Posted by Mike Lief at June 1, 2009 06:53 AM | TrackBack


The problem with the polls, in my mind, is that the outlines of Obama's plan were either real clear or sort of clear before the election, yet he won by a wide enough margin to pull in the under-ticket to support him in Congress. He was talking bail-outs, national health care, tax changes, and court diversity all along. Where were the 68% or the 89% or the 55%, or whatever, who now say they are opposed to the ideas but apparently voted for him in large numbers in November? They were hoping for change, eh? Well, here it is.

Posted by: The Little Coach at June 1, 2009 12:27 PM

polls schmolls. we saw all we needed to last saturday when the tough, cynical, hard-nosed noo yawkers gave the fool a standing O.

for tying up the freeway; and tying up the street in front of the theater; and delaying the start of the performance an hour so the dear leader could be safely seated; for spending so much of THEIR money for his 'date night' that the white house has classified the dollar amount .....

and like the good little sheep teacher and the state-run media have raised them to be, they dutifully stood and applauded when the emperor got there. some wept, no doubt. tried to be healed by his touch. held out infants for him to bless.

this after 120 days of nonstop foreign policy disasters. this after installing a fascist state on them. ("fascism" is defined as
"state-controlled capitalism.") this after poor-mouthing and degrading his own country to any and all the nations of the world - except our oldest ally, britain, who he insulted early and often.

they might bitch about him to pollsters, but they'll vote for him again in 2012. just like hillary got re-elected despite being mercilessly booed off the stage at the WTC benefit thing. the GOP could release a film of obama pissing on a crucifix and then ritually murdering a girl scout, and he'd still carry new york and california by 70% margins. does anyone doubt this?

Posted by: nom de guerre at June 2, 2009 10:39 PM

You need to relax your big brain with some John and Kate Plus Eight big boy.

Posted by: Honey at June 3, 2009 11:44 PM

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