
June 09, 2009

Closeted conservatives

Liberals are forever berating conservatives (and Republicans -- not one and the same) for alleged intolerance, but it's interesting to note that many conservatives (and Republicans) are afraid to (ahem) come out.

Power Line's John Hinderaker notes:

Dan Blatt (Gay Patriot West) attended a Claremont event last night, at which George Will spoke. Dan took a date:

[W]hile he proudly sported a name tage with his real name at this shindig, he asked that I not include his name here, lest the revelation of his conservative politics hurt him professionally.

Once again, it was easier for us to be "out" as gay at a conservative event than to be out as conservatives in Hollywood circles.

Ah, the famed tolerance of Hollywood's liberal elites, where all lifestyles are accepted ... so long as you follow the Party line.

I've long held that the most illiberal group of people you're likely to meet fancy themselves "liberals."

Can you smell the hypocrisy?

Posted by Mike Lief at June 9, 2009 09:35 AM | TrackBack


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