
June 12, 2009

Dems endangering the troops

Jed Babbin notes that Democrats seem intent on placing our own troops at risk.

The Democrats forced a House - Senate conference (by a straight party line vote, 17-13) to remove the Graham-Lieberman prohibition of release of more prisoner "abuse" photos.

Obama backed off the release earlier when Generals Petraeus and Odierno objected on the grounds that such a release would endanger the lives of our troops.

So now the Dems are on record (again) in favor of endangering the lives of our troops.

If, as liberals contend, alleged mistreatment of prisoners serves as a potent recruiting tool for terrorist groups, why would American politicians seek to release photos that would swell the ranks of violent terror cells hellbent on killing U.S. soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines?

What is to be gained by releasing the photos? Who profits from their release?

I'll tell you who stands to lose: The Americans troops killed and the families who lose loved ones as a result of this idiotic and immoral betrayal of the military by our political leadership.

Posted by Mike Lief at June 12, 2009 06:54 AM | TrackBack


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