
July 22, 2009

Big Bang Theory

I've been enjoying the CBS sitcom Big Bang Theory, which chronicles the exploits of four intelligent geeks, one of whom has a preternatural knowledge of all things trivial and obscure.

Why does he remind me of someone I know?

Anyhow, it's from the same fellow (Chuck Lorre) who created Two And A Half Men, which is consistently funny, in a smuttier, fart-joke way, than Bang.

The theme song of Big Bang is by the Bare Naked Ladies, and, being terminally unhip, is the first song by them I know by name. It races by too quickly for me to get all the lyrics, so I tracked down this illustrated version, featuring the entire song -- which basically covers the history of everything in a couple of minutes.


Posted by Mike Lief at July 22, 2009 12:52 PM | TrackBack


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