
January 14, 2011

Sissy, thy name is Brokaw

Tom Brokaw -- who once wrote about the manly men who fought and won World War II, dubbing them "The Greatest Generation" -- demonstrates that a lifetime spent in New York, Washington, D.C., and Hollywood, and hobnobbing with the political and media elite has rendered him a thumb-sucking sissy, terrified of law-abiding Americans who might be packing heat.

TOM BROKAW: Here is why I think there are a lot of Glocks being sold: because gun owners are worried that they're going to be outlawed. That's what happened when President Obama first took office is that people were buying ammunition and storing it in underground bunkers because they thought he was going to outlaw guns and ammunition. Gun control is too simple a phrase to define all the complications and nuances of it, frankly. In Arizona they have a wide open system. I would be nervous about going into a bar or restaurant in Arizona on a Saturday night where people can carry concealed without permits.


Does Brokaw understand that criminals have been carrying concealed without permits since the beginning of time? Washington, D.C., and Chicago have had the most draconian gun bans in place for decades. Brokaw would have felt comfortable going out on a Saturday night in those towns, because, as everyone knows, making something illegal prevents the behavior from occurring. Which explains why there were virtually no gun-related homicides in those cities, right?

The reality is, of course, that Chicago and D.C. have had homicide rates significantly higher than in cities which allow concealed carry by law-abiding citizens because -- are you sitting down? -- crooks often ignore laws, including those that prohibit felons from owning and carrying firearms.

What a pathetic display.

Found via NewsBusters.

Posted by Mike Lief at January 14, 2011 07:01 AM | TrackBack



Posted by: Tom at January 14, 2011 02:27 PM

I would feel better going into 90% of the bars in Arizona than into 90% of the bars in Chicago or DC.

Posted by: The Little Coach at January 15, 2011 09:10 AM

And I ALWAYS felt comfortable going into the old Casa Tropical on 5th because I was pretty sure that EVERYBODY had a gun.

Posted by: The Little Coach at January 15, 2011 10:38 AM

What? Since when did thug criminals start doing what they wanted to contrary to the laws?

Why, that is almost as asinine as Nicholas Kristoff's NYT article entitled “Why Not Regulate Guns as Seriously as Toys?”

Posted by: Trickish Knave at January 23, 2011 09:16 AM

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