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May 07, 2004

Don't you dare question their patriotism!

I can't tell you how sick I am of people showing by word and deed that they hate hate HATE America, and then hide behind the First Amendment while shrieking that they're being oppressed by the jack-booted thugs of the Amerikkkan facist regime.

Then, of course, they fall back on their weapon of last resort: "Don't you question my patriotism!"


From John Kerrey to Jeanine Garafalo, to countless un-named morons on college campuses from sea to shining sea, people are engaged in distorting the meaning of language itself, so that they can say that Americans are war criminals; Bush is worse than Hitler or Saddam; more American troops NEED to die, so we'll flee Iraq faster; and we deserved 9-11.

BUT, don't you question the patriotism of those spewing this venom, 'cause, doncha see, they love this country, man, love what it could be, if only we could rid it of those fascist neocon, Israel-loving, militaristic GOP stooges.

If you haven't seen it yet, let me give you an amazing example of the depths to which these people will sink.

There's a "cartoonist" named Ted Rall. He's syndicated, appears on TV, and is a darling of the left. He was recently moved by the sacrifice, patriotism and courage of Pat Tilman to draw the following cartoon. Go ahead and click on it for a bigger version.

Yeah, I know. It still makes me want to break things, makes me so angry it brings tears to my eyes.

Rall had another one even worse than this, so vile that MSNBC pulled it from their website, sending Rall and his supporters into shrieking paroxysms of moonbat paranoia and "Help! Help! I'm being oppressed"

But Rall is a polymath, able to impugn the honor of American GIs in essays, too. Check out his latest entry at his website:


Or, We're Looking For a Few Good Homosexual Rapists

NEW YORK--Now it's official: American troops occupying Iraq have become virtually indistinguishable from the SS. Like the Germans during World War II, they cordon off and bomb civilian villages to retaliate for guerilla attacks on their convoys. Like the blackshirts who terrorized Europe, America's victims disappear into hellish prisons ruled by sadists and murderers. The U.S. military is short just one item to achieve moral parity with the Nazis: gas chambers.

. . .

Abu Ghraib, you can bet your bottom dollar, is merely the tip of the iceberg. Our military is structurally corrupt. Beginning in Afghanistan during the weeks after 9/11, civilian command yielded to the amoral gangster mentality of the arrogant intelligence officers of Army Special Forces and the CIA, who stand accused of massacring thousands of captured Taliban prisoners yet have never faced a real investigation. The new tone of lawlessness comes all the way from the White House, directed by a commander-in-chief who starts illegal wars without justification, strips captured prisoners of their rights under the Geneva Convention and whose smirky fingers-crossed response to the prisoner abuse scandal--"I shared a deep disgust that those prisoners were treated the way they were treated...Their treatment does not reflect the nature of the American people"--sends a wink and a nudge to our uniformed torturers. Keep it up, boys. Keep those broomsticks busy.

Yeah, humiliating prisoners is EXACTLY the same thing as what the Nazis did.

It's pretty clear that Rall and his ilk want us to lose the fight in Iraq. I daresay they want us to abandon the war on terrorists. They loathe our military, hate religion, spit on patriotism, honor and sacrifice.

But don't you dare question their patriotism.

By the way, are you shocked to learn that Rall is a Kerry supporter?

I didn't think so.

Posted by Mike Lief at May 7, 2004 07:18 AM | TrackBack