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November 03, 2004

Gambling in Casablanca? I'm shocked!

Law prof. Ann Althouse, posting at InstaPundit, notes:

MEDIA BIAS IN CALLING THE STATES? Generic Confusion notes: "All close Kerry states are listed as Kerry pickups. All close Bush states are listed as undecided."

Yes, why is Wisconsin called for Kerry already? Only 99.3% of the vote is in with 1,466,963 (49.3%) for Bush and 1,480,256 (49.8%) for Kerry.

I did notice on TV this morning that Fox hadn't called Wisconsin yet. The NYT also hasn't called Wisconsin.

There is a .5 percentage point difference in Wisconsin with .7% of the vote still to count. In Ohio, which is getting so much attention, the percent counted is listed as 100 and Bush has 51.0% over Kerry's 48.5%. That's a 2.5% point lead.

How can anyone call Wisconsin before Ohio and expect to escape charges of bias?

Good question. Any takers?

Posted by Mike Lief at November 3, 2004 07:37 AM | TrackBack