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November 11, 2004

Remember Arafat's victims

I'm contemplating the death of Yasser Arafat, a man who first erupted into my consciousness when the Israeli Olympic team was massacred at the '72 Munich games.

Throughout the years, I've learned more and more about the evil deeds done by this man, the duplicity and hatred at his core.

Now that he's gone to Hell, I've been barraged by idiotic news reports, delivered in solemn tones, about the "passing of a statesman."

Jimmy Carter, a man with a fetish for dictators and tyrants so intense it seems almost sexual, said Arafat was "a powerful human symbol and forceful advocate."

Actually, he was a murderer of women and children, a crime boss who raped his own people for decades, an inept "politician" who backed Saddam Hussein, crossed the leaders of Jordan and triggered an all-out assault by the Hashemite Kingdom, and the man who was offered 95 percent of what he wanted and told Pres. Clinton and Prime Minister Barak to get stuffed.

And, although the credulous Carter forgot (alzheimers is the most charitable explanation), Arafat was also directly responsible for the deaths of American diplomat Cleo Noel, Jr., charge d'affaires George Curtis Moore, and Belgian charge d'affaires Guy Eid. Arafat ordered the members of his Black September hit squad to kill the hostages, and they complied, pumping 40 bullets into their bodies.

Arafat is remembered by the sycophants and the toadies to evil as a leader.

Who remembers World War II veteran Amb. Noel?

Posted by Mike Lief at November 11, 2004 11:44 PM | TrackBack