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March 29, 2006

They just want to be Americans, don't they?




I'm so angry, I'm having a difficult time not pounding the keyboard to pieces.

Un-American. Un-patriotic. Un-lawful.

All of which applies only as to American citizens. These people will never be deserving of a place in our country. The Senate amnesty bill is DOA.

These illegals aliens and their American supporters are remarkably stupid. Flying the American flag upside down is a distress symbol; as Michelle Malkin points out, they think they're just being disrespectful, but in reality, they've created a perfect metaphor for the crisis they've brought upon themselves.

Adios, morons.

Further thoughts: Why am I so upset by these pictures, when I saw a local idiot running aroundwith an American flag below a Mexican banner?

Because the Ventura reconquista had them mounted on a broomstick, and the American flag wasn't inverted. The people in the pictures above had to take the American flag down, remove it, then hook it back up after they'd given the place of honor to their flag.

People, American soldiers have died for the American flag. I'm not speaking metaphorically, as in, "they fought and died to protect the right of foreign nationals to piss on our flag."

I mean GIs have died to protect the American flag itself, to keep it from falling into enemy hands. All soldiers know the value of their national colors, which is why this picture has inspired us for more than sixty years.

Posted by Mike Lief at March 29, 2006 07:29 AM | TrackBack


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