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April 02, 2006

Ungrateful bastards update II

I noted Friday that the two pacifists rescued by coalition forces from the clutches of the barbarians who murdered fellow moonbat pacifist Tom Fox were, how shall we say, rather parsimonious with the "thank yous" for the brave soldiers responsible for their freedom.

The folks at Little Green Footballs point out that one Canadian, Loney, has now said that he is eternally grateful to his rescuers.

What about Sooden?

Canada's National Post addresses the despicable "peace activist" in today's lead editorial.

Canadian Harmeet Sooden -- is now even insisting the entire rescue mission was "contrived," presumably to give the coalition a public relations boost amid continued bad news about the insurgency in that country.

Speaking in Auckland, New Zealand, yesterday, Mr. Sooden insisted it was "highly likely, highly probable" that a ransom had been paid for his release and that of two fellow CPT prisoners, Canadian Jim Loney and Briton Norman Kember. Both the Canadian and New Zealand governments seemed genuinely shocked by his contention and emphatically denied his claim.

When pressed by reporters, Mr. Sooden admitted he had no proof his captors had been paid off. Rather his "instincts" were telling him ransom must have been made. When British and other special forces raided the house in which he was being kept, Mr. Sooden explained, his captors were "nowhere to be seen," which was "highly unusual." He assumed his captors had been bribed by the coalition in hopes they would flee, and the British and American forces could "contrive" a rescue, presumably to generate a glowing propaganda victory.

What rubbish. The break in the hostage taking came the evening before the rescue mission, when a member of the kidnappers' organization had been captured by coalition forces and was convinced both to give up the location where the CPT members were held and to call his comrades and warn them to flee the scene before the commandos arrived.

Mr. Sooden's rescue, and that of his colleagues, was the result of a dangerous mission that was months in the planning. It was no publicity stunt. Several times intelligence operatives put their lives at risk to obtain scraps of information about where the victims were being held, not to mention the risk the soldiers took entering the building where the trio of "peacemakers" were. They could not be sure until they were inside that the kidnappers had fled.

Still, such is Mr. Sooden's conviction that the coalition's "illegal occupation" is all evil, he has no trouble pretending headline-hungry coalition forces staged the whole thing.

Only Jim Loney, the other freed Canadian, has admitted he is "forever and truly grateful" to his rescuers. The CPT at first, of course, could not bring itself to thank the military saviours and later added a grudging thank you only under public pressure. And the freed Briton, Mr. Kember, could barely muster a half-hearted and heavily qualified thanks. He said that while he still blamed coalition forces for the conditions that led to his capture, he could "pay tribute to their courage."

Here's a suggestion: The next time peaceniks are taken hostage in a war zone while attempting to thwart the efforts of Western coalition forces, when those same forces come to save them and before the helicopters lift off to safety with the hostages aboard, the soldiers should ask the former detainees how they feel about being saved. And if there is a moment's hesitation for philosophic reflection or any hint of ingratitude, the soldiers should be free to return their passengers to the desert with all good wishes for fair treatment by the first jihadis who pass by.


I'd like all of these self-hating Westerners to become living participants in the 21st Century's version of the Ransom of Red Chief.

Of course, I suspect Muslim kidnappers are less inclined to see the merits of the deal offered by the kidnap victim's father in O. Henry's tale.

Posted by Mike Lief at April 2, 2006 12:27 AM | TrackBack


The world should bow to these men of peace. Say what you will about them but they are men of conviction. They live by their words and turn the other cheek. They have the clarity to see the root cause of all violence in the world today - the military industrial complex of the United States and Britain.

Let us work together to turn swords into plowshares. "Out On A Limb" celebrates those who kill rather those who pray, meditate, preach, work, love, and lay down their lives for peace.

If for just one moment you could set aside your anger and open your heart up to the possibility that peace is the answer, I believe that you too could be enveloped with love and the spirit of brother hood and economic and political cooperation.

We can't save the planet from global warming, warfare and famine without heart centered thinking.

Posted by: Sbarro at April 1, 2006 09:30 PM

Hey Sbarro, Dude ... it was a little too much "heart centered thinking" (sic) that got us in this position in the first place.

Okay, I have to go clean my shotgun for that skeet tournament next weekend. That will be good practice for next hunting season when I can go open my heart and envelop those little doves with love and the spirit of brotherhood and economic and political cooperation.

By the way, who is it that we are not at peace with who cooperated with us either economically or politically? Was it the guys who flew planes in to the Twin Towers? Have you forgotten that, or are you one of those that tries to pretend it didn't happen by burying your head in the sand?

Posted by: Thin Ice at April 2, 2006 09:48 PM

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