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April 11, 2006

Revenge of the hybrids

I've pointed out before that when it comes to fuel efficiency, diesels have hybrids beat by a long shot -- at least when you compare what kind of a price premium you're paying for the vehicle to get better mileage.

The diesels available to overseas customers are v-e-r-y good at squeezing the maximum mpg out of every drop of fuel, often besting their high-tech cousins. And they're fast, too, unlike the dogs we remember from the '80s (thanks a lot, GM!).

Toyota is unwilling to stay second best to Otto Benz' 19th-Century creation, and has announced plans to make the Prius the best in class.

According to AutoExpress UK, Toyota is set to go for the green-veined jugular with its next Prius. The automaker's next hybrid will reportedly net a scarcely-believable 94 mpg (113mpg in imperial gallons). The figure comes about as the company has reportedly set a fuel economy bogey of 40km/liter, as it looks to distance itself from the fuel-sipping diesels that are so popular abroad.

Word is that the gains will largely come from replacing the current Prius' nickel-hydride batteries with lithium ion cells. AE further reports that Toyota hopes to have the charged-up hybrid on the road by as early as 2008. While pulling up the MPG, the manufacturer also hopes to improve the car's acceleration, and is expected to drop its 0-60 mph times by more than one second.

Of course, the Prius will still have additional costs. But 100 mpg, if true, does sound appealing.

Posted by Mike Lief at April 11, 2006 07:41 AM | TrackBack


Sbarro will be very happy!

Posted by: Thin Ice at April 11, 2006 12:53 PM

Thin Ice is right. I couldn't believe my eyes when I checked in on "Out On A Limb" and saw such a GREEN article. OOAL three cheers for you! With my encouragement, I may not have to monitor OOAL much longer. The man is going soy bean green. LOL.

Toyota is just a terrific company. Let's all band together to support Toyota because this company wants to save our planet! Hugs for OOAL for bringing the 2008 Prius to the attention of its readers. I know that I could never afford one of these cars but I will cheer anyway when one goes by because the alternative is a giant gass chugging SUV.

Posted by: Sbarro at April 11, 2006 06:19 PM

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