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April 11, 2006

The illegal-immigration poll results are in

The folks at Power Line have finished their on-line immigration poll and have
tallied the results

We've closed the poll on immigration policy at Power Line News. The final results are really no different from what we saw the first day. We asked the question:

What should be our highest priority in formulating policies on immigration?

With nearly 13,000 votes cast, here are the results:

These results don't demand much commentary. They show overwhelming support among mainstream conservatives for the policy of "Enforcement First." The highest priority, by an overwhelming margin, is getting control of our borders.

Conservatives are relatively evenly split on whether the more important purpose is to keep out terrorists or to protect our society and culture against those with no wish to assimilate, but either way, the policy preference is the same: restore the significance of our borders.

There is also considerable support for a crackdown on employers, which many see as the most effective way to reduce the lure of illegal immigration.

It is striking, to say the least, how little support there is for other immigration priorities.

A mere 2% think our highest priority should be providing a path to citizenship for the illegals who are already here. What I take to be a fair paraphrase of the Wall Street Journal's position scores even lower, at 1%. And there is no support--none--for the policy of giving priority to importing the relatives of those already here.

The readers of this site are an excellent cross-section of mainstream conservatism. Immigration is not an issue that we have pushed heavily over the years, so no one can argue that our readership is self-selected to be unrepresentative on the subject. And yet the results couldn't be clearer.

We will make sure that Republicans in Congress are fully apprised of these data. (In principle, Democrats should care too; but I don't understand anything about what they are doing on the issue, and, in any event, we have a good deal more influence on the Republicans.)

With a tough election cycle coming up in just seven months, it makes no sense for Republican candidates to ignore the strong and almost unanimous views of their own party's base.

I can't explain the Stupid Party's resistance to "getting" it, at least in the Senate. The best hope we have on blocking more idiotic "reform" measures is the House of Representatives, where the Stupid Party's members still understand that we vote, and the illegals can't.

Posted by Mike Lief at April 11, 2006 08:00 AM | TrackBack


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