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April 27, 2006

Diesels picking up steam support

Business Week has the lowdown on all the fuel-efficient diesels we cant get in the U.S.

They stink. They're loud. And, worst of all, they're slow. So goes popular American opinion of diesel-powered autos. But public opinion may be on the verge of a sea change, as a new generation of car consumers -- focused more than ever on fuel consumption and alternative energy -- matures and takes to dealer show rooms.

Indeed, if Americans shouldering the increasingly heavy burden of rising gasoline prices follow the European example, where gas has typically been between two to three times more expensive, diesel -- not gas or electric hybrids -- may forge the path forward.

The advantages of diesel engines to European car buyers are obvious. Besides the lower fuel cost per gallon, the average engine benefits from 30% better fuel economy. In turn, carbon-dioxide emissions -- a figure more commonly paid attention to by European consumers -- are reduced on average by 25%.

MANY MODELS. Maintenance costs may be noticeably lower, too. A Volkswagen TDI model, for instance, only requires oil changes every 10,000 miles, spark plugs are irrelevant, and transmission-fluid flushing is less frequently required as well. All mostly due to the generally lower RPMs of diesel engines.

Europeans got the message loud and clear. Virtually every auto manufacturer offers diesel options on cars in nearly every segment, from the smallest city hatchbacks to the biggest Autobahn-bound luxury cruisers. And despite the reputation for sluggish performance, improvements in direct-injection technology have produced engines capable of healthy power, in the 300-horses range.

Think about it: 30 percent better mileage, without all that hybrid hoo-ha. Just by changing fuels.

It's as if we can tell thirty percent of OPEC to bugger off, without building a refinery or forcing us into econo-boxes.

I'd buy one tomorrow. How 'bout you?

I previously wrote about the appeal of diesels here, here, here and here.

Posted by Mike Lief at April 27, 2006 08:31 PM | TrackBack


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