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May 16, 2006

City of Darkness, Street of Shame


This is Daniel Faulkner. He was a twenty-five-year-old cop, murdered in December 1981, by every liberal's favorite death-row inmate, Wesley Cook, AKA Mumia Abu Jamal. If you click on his picture, you'll go to a website debunking all the lies spread by his killer's defenders.

The only thing you need to know is that the coward shot Daniel Faulkner in the back. Officer Faulkner spun around, managing to fire one shot, wounding his attacker, then fell to the street. As Daniel lay on his back, unarmed and bleeding, his attacker stood over him and fired a series of shots. Officer Faulkner desperately moved from side to side, trying to avoid the coup de grace, but his attacker would not be denied.

Frustrated by his would-be victim's struggle to live, Cook/Abu Jamal knelt, placing the barrel of the gun in Daniel's face, and pulled the trigger. The final shot entered Daniel's head just above his eye and tore a bloody path through his brain, killing him.

Tried by a jury of his Philadelphia peers and sentenced to death, Officer Faulkner's killer has seen his conviction affirmed by every appellate court forced to review the sordid details of the murder.

So, who do you think the French city of St. Denis has chosen to honor by re-naming a street?


A revolting tribute, from a deeply perverse society.

Happy National Police Week.

Posted by Mike Lief at May 16, 2006 07:31 AM | TrackBack


His defenders are the usual suspects: Asner, Chomskey, Angelou and Whoopie. Susan Sarandon, Angela Davis and a few rockers like Michael Stipe and the Beastie Boys, to keep it relevant.

This is a guy that fits the liberal casting call for an articulate, intellectual deranged rebel. There's no way they'd let a few small facts like pumping bullets into a police officer get in the way of their mission. Also, driving a cab and writing radio essays for NPR ... he's like the pre-Tookie sacrificial lamb.

Sorry to say this makes the street 'tribute' in France all the more logical.

Posted by: Vermont Neighbor at May 16, 2006 09:31 PM

To keep up with the latest mumia and move atrocity visit http://antimove.blogspot.com

Posted by: Tony Allen at May 26, 2006 10:36 AM

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