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May 16, 2006

If you build it, they'll still come

Apparently, nothing will really stop law-breaking migrants from coming to America, not even a wall. That's the message I'm taking away from the immigration debate -- at least if I believe the people supporting the "rights" of the illegal aliens.

I took part in a panel discussion following Pres. Bush's speech last night. His five-point plan left me underwhelmed, as did the discussion. One participant, a Democratic Party activist, seemed fixated on the war in Iraq, repeatedly asserting that the GOP was using the immigration issue to demagogue and distract the nation from it's miserable record and enormous deficit.

I responded that the mainstream GOP was pushing hard for allowing illegal aliens to stay in the country -- that hardly seemed like "demagoguing."

"Hurricane Katrina!" she responded.

"Okaaaay," said I.

The fellow from Ojai said he cringed every time he heard the phrase "illegal alien;" that must explain why he was writhing in his seat every time I spoke, 'cause he heard it a lot.

I'll provide more details later.

Posted by Mike Lief at May 16, 2006 08:03 AM | TrackBack


Ironic isn't it. The Democratic Party activist fixated on the war should be the first to see the benefits of sealing off the border. No threat of new terrorist acts or the need to respond.

Nobody minds an immigrant here as long as it's done legally. Schools, hospitals and social funds are getting blown to smithereens. I don't know how people can frame this as a Republican problem, although Bush is certainly handling it in a lousy fashion. It's been a problem for each administration since the birth of the car trunk.

In fact, a solution might be to reward Japan and Detroit, like farmers are rewarded for not growing food. Reward them for not building trunks in cars. Who knows, it might keep 16 people out on a Thursday. And if it gets really, really bad they'll have to migrate over legally, which is what they should be doing in the first place.

The waving of the Atzlan flags and anti-Bush signs are simply missing from general news coverage. It's a hostile takeover. The guy living in Ojai will never acknowledge it. He's shopping at Rainbow Bridge for his organic veggies and tofu milk, and the world around him is very gentle and safe.

Posted by: Vermont Neighbor at May 16, 2006 10:03 PM

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