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September 11, 2006

What we need to see, to remember, and what needs to be said

Gerard Van Der Leun begins an open letter to the terrorists with this photo. Go ahead and click on it, look at the full-sized version, study those men and women who were forced to decide between incineration in the fires raging at their backs, or taking that last step off the ledge and falling -- falling, flying for the last seconds of their lives, before the combined effects of gravity and terminal velocity ensured their families would have nothing to remember them by, nothing but panicked phone calls to say "I love you," and these photos.

It made me realize how long it's been since we've seen these pictures. The MSM pulled them down, off, out by 9-12, afraid our tender 21st Century Psyches couldn't handle the terrible images.

Of course, I suspect the real reason was that these images inspire a reaction in the Great Unwashed Masses that makes the Solons of the Media recoil in horror, for righteous anger is an appropriate response to the murder of our fellow Americans, and white-hot retribution must -- must! -- be visited upon those who forced these men and women to make such a terrible choice.

Van Der Leun's letter is a direct response, not only to the jihadis who would put us all to the sword, but the jurors who decided that death was not appropriate for the conspirators -- and to the politicians who insisted that the terrorists are criminals, entitled to the protections of our courts.


Yes, it's true. We thirst for death. We would like you, at your earliest opportunity, to expunge our guilt by slaughtering us wholesale. We have so much while you, the petulant children of a whacked-out god, oppressed by your own ratty cultures and fascist governments and unable to contribute anything to civilization for over 500 years, have so little except your "trauma" that it is only fair that you get to incinerate more of us at will.

We have a problem with our self-esteem in this country, and that problem is that you are not killing enough of us quickly enough.

We don't ask for much in this regard. We only ask that next time you plan more carefully and thoroughly. We note that, during the unfortunate events of the 11th, only a few of our children were killed by you. They died because they just happened to be on our airplanes that you borrowed for the day.

This is unacceptable to a nation like America that believes in including children in all our important events. After all, they're citizens too. Therefore, please make sure to be more inclusive in the future. If you could please manage a mass hostage taking at, say, The Mall of America that replicates Beslan Massacre where 344 innocent civilians were killed, 186 of them children, we'd turn out for it in droves.


Don't forget, before you touch off the explosives that incinerate ten thousand or more of us here and there across the land, to get Katie Couric and Maureen Dowd to visit so they can interview you about your abusive fathers and traumatic childhoods. If possible, could you answer their questions while slitting the throats of our children for the cameras. It makes for much more interesting reality-TV than the dull screeching-mullah clips you've been releasing of late. Ratings will soar when this stuff is shown in heavy rotation on Fox, CNN and MTV. If you could start with the smallest and cutest and cut throats upward until you reach our teenage daughters, you can keep this thing rolling for days. Don't worry about our police or even the National Guard, they'll spend days "assessing" the situation, and pausing for interviews and reactions from the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Ted Kennedy.

Don't rush it. You'll have plenty of time. With any luck, our President (whomever he or she may be) will reconvene the 9/11 Commission to examine the motivations for your throat slittings in real-time. It is for this reason that you should confine your terrorism to the week-ends in America so you can be sure of having enough of our children on hand. It wouldn't do to run out of throats to slit or heads to cut off while you have the nation's attention. You don't want people clicking away to watch "The Sopranos," do you?

The whole letter is worth reading; take a moment and cruise over to Gerard's site.

Posted by Mike Lief at September 11, 2006 11:06 PM | TrackBack


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