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September 12, 2006

Don't question her patriotism sanity, as she questions his faith

Editor & Publisher, the industry bible of the newspaper biz, noted in a recent story that former presidential speechwriter Michael Gerson was a devout Christian, something he shared in common with Pres. Bush.

A resident of Ojai, a town near me reknowned for being a wee bit to the left of center, simply couldn't let that characterization go unremarked upon.

Bush's Christian Devotion Questioned

Was Time magazine kidding? Must have been a joke! How can anyone who is a critical thinker write that Bush is a devout Christian? He is a fascist who spit on the people, the country, the constitution and the name of Christ by his evil actions. Can you spell w-a-r c-r-i-m-i-n-a-l? And now these fools at The Washington Post are hiring Gerson. Wonder what sort of quid pro quo that involved.

Marge Hackett
Ojai, Calif.

Nice going, Marge. It's reassuring to see critical thinkers like yourself 'splaining it all to us dullards.

And it's always nice to see a Ventura County resident making the rest of us look good by comparison.

Gotta run; the next shift of black helicopters need refueling before they resume monitoring Marge's shack for the NSA.

Posted by Mike Lief at September 12, 2006 10:25 AM | TrackBack


And E&P always prints letters like that. Marge lives in Ojai where things are nice. She won't acknowledge what the war is about, because where she lives it's more of a cocktail topic. On the patio at the Inn and then off to sculpting class. Or maybe a screening of the new film by that brilliant Cuban director.

Posted by: Vermont Neighbor at September 22, 2006 08:53 AM

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