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September 30, 2006

Bond, James Bond.

I just watched the trailer for the upcoming Bond film, Casino Royale, starring Daniel Craig as the most famous of the double-0 agents.

Notwithstanding my previous comments regarding his choice to take over the role, it actually looks quite good. My problem with the series over the years -- especially the horrific Roger Moore era -- is that the hard edge of the books had been lost in a morass of snarky, smirky, ha-ha-nudge-nudge-wink-wink moments that undercut any sense that the players were involved in dangerous dealings.

A move to set the series in the '50s or '60s would be the perfect solution, in my humble opinion, but absent that, simply playing it straight would be a big improvement.

The sense one gets from the coming attraction is that Craig actually seems like a killer, and the villain looks like a bad guy, without descending into risible end-of-the-world-megalomania pretensions.

And the action scenes, while outrageous, don't look like something out of a computer game.

I think I'll take a chance and see this one in the theaters.

Posted by Mike Lief at September 30, 2006 10:42 AM | TrackBack


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