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December 11, 2006

Narcissism (mis)guides GeezerPalooza

ShrinkWrapped thinks the James Baker GeezerPalooza (2006 Edition) merits no serious consideration and just might belong in the DSM IV.

The ISG seems like a study in Applied Diplomatic Narcissism. The Commission treat the Iraq problem as primarily an American problem; the victims of any American failure in the region, those very people most like us and most committed to a democratic and free future in the Middle East, are treated as mere afterthoughts, as if they are a nuisance rather than the people we most need to support.

Our enemies, Utopian fantasists who treat people as objects to be used to support their messianic and power lusting dreams, are imagined to be men with whom we can talk and who can help us solve the problem they are currently involved in causing.

The fact is that the world view of the Islamists is incompatible with ours; they proclaim the fact on a regular basis (although our Media seem deaf and dumb to their pronouncements) and it requires an act of willful ignorance to avoid understanding that they mean what they say and have been acting in consonance with their beliefs for at least the last 27 years.

The hall mark of Narcissism is the failure of the Narcissist to fully grasp that another person's mind does not necessarily operate in precisely the way their mind operates.


The Diplomatic Narcissist fails to understand what all Narcissists fail to understand. Not every person who is urbane and well dressed, well groomed and well spoken, with a sophisticated vocabulary and cultured tastes, is a civilized man. Some are barbarians dressed up as civilized men. Barbarians can mimic the language of civilized men but it is a facade that only fools those who are easily fooled.

Whether we refer to the barbarians of the HISH Alliance as Sociopaths or as religious extremists matters little; what matters greatly is that they believe and behave as if their lives depend on destroying us. Talking to them in order to gain their assistance is foolhardy in the extreme.

That these "realists" believe that we can -- and should! -- talk with Iran and Syria is reason alone to toss their report in the circular file.

It's also reassuring to see that Baker, who famously said "F**k the Jews," thinks Israel is the key to solving the woes of the world, provided that they don't participate in his solution.

The difference between Baker and Mel Gibson is that one channels his obsessions into producing idiosyncratic entertainments, and the other works to ensure that the Jews are well and truly f**ked.

Posted by Mike Lief at December 11, 2006 05:52 AM | TrackBack


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