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December 19, 2006

More wisdom from the mind of Sean Penn

Sean Penn was in Moonbat Central New York City last night to receive the 2006 Christopher Reeve First Amendment Award from The Creative Coalition.

Spicoli Penn delivered a drug-induced passionate crie de cour against the depredations of Pres. Bush, which often lapsed into deranged arrangements of random words, seemingly straight from the crack-pipe blistered lips of a junkie sleeping on a subway grate Barbara Streisand.

[Penn] lamented how the U.S. public was allegedly tricked into backing the Iraq invasion and derided those media figures who did that, describing Rush Limbaugh as “high as a kite on OxyContin,” Bill O'Reilly as “factually impaired”, and Sean Hannity as “simply a whore to the cause of his pimps - Murdoch and Ailes?” He then rapped Mark Foley, Joe Lieberman and even Toby Keith.

With that he imagined listeners thinking, "Oh, there goes Sean ... he had to go and name-call. They say he can't help himself."

But he asked: “Or, did I name-call? Maybe I just quickly summed up seven or eight little truths. Oh, no, you're right - I name-called. I said, ‘putz.’ I take it back. Or, do I? Did I say whore? Pimp? These are questions. But, the real and great questions of conscience and accountability would not loom so ominously -- unanswered or evaded at such tremendous cost -- without our day-to-day failure to insist on genuine accountability.

O-kaaaay. I don't know about you folks, but that last bit was cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs in my book.

Penn shared his take on the complexities of international politics, as well as the damage done to Saddam Hussein's Babylonian paradise by the evil legions of the American Reich.

I'm sure many people who I met in Baghdad, both in my trips prior to and during the occupation, now similarly cannot just look forward. With lives so entirely shattered by a violence of occupation - an ongoing U.S. war effort and the civil war that it has catalyzed. All on the back of a crumbled infrastructure, following eleven years of devastating U.N. sanctions...

Did you get that last bit about the U.N.? Remember, the biggest problem with our going to war with Iraq was that (according to Sean and his buds) the U.N. sanctions were working, that all we needed to do was let the U.N. inspectors do their jobs, and Saddam Hussein would evolve to a higher state of being, join PETA and open the first Gay, Lesbian and Trans-Gendered chapter of the ACLU in the Middle East.

But now it seems the U.N. sanctions were simply a means of imposing the American hegemonic world order on the poor Iraqi people, who wanted nothing more than to fly kites, chase rainbows, and sit in sun-dappled verdant fields while reading their well-worn copies of "Jonathan Livingston Seagull."

It's the final passage that really moves the listener. I know it moved the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up.

Christopher Reeve promised to get out of that chair. Well, I don't know about you, but it feels like he's up now and I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't on his shoulders. Let it be for something.


Dude, you're, like, sitting on a crippled dead guy's shoulders. That's, like, incomprehensibly deep.


Can you believe that Sean Penn is one of the most esteemed deep thinkers of the far, far, way-out-in-left-field Left?

And well deserving of this award, too.

The best part of the evening is noted near the end of the article.

Other honorees were Branford Marsalis, Harvey Keitel and Marcia Gay Harden.

I don't know much about their politics, other than they're probably at least sympathetic to Penn, given their willingness to accept an award from this [ahem] deeply distinguished organization. But at some point they must have looked at each other and whispered, "Will someone get this guy away from the mic?"

As bad as the Stupid Party (aka the GOP) has been in recent years, nothing could help return them to power more than the realization that lunatics like Penn have access to the new Congressional leadership -- and access is most definitely influence.

Gnarly, eh?

Posted by Mike Lief at December 19, 2006 09:07 AM | TrackBack


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