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December 20, 2006

A Charlie Brown Scrubs-mas

I've got a soft spot in my heart for A Charlie Brown Christmas. Despite the crude (by Warner Bros. standards) animation, the voice acting, writing, and most of all, the incredible music all manage to turn the clock back almost 40 years to a time when kids were still allowed to sing Christmas carols in public school pageants, and a major television network commissioned an animated special that featured a dramatic reading of a passage from the Bible.

Notwithstanding the affection I have for the cartoon, there's a new twist available for viewing, courtesy of the internet.

The cast of Scrubs produced a parody, intended for their Christmas Party -- and most certainly not for public consumption. It's pretty funny, but you won't find it terribly amusing unless you're enough of a fan to recognize the voices of the sitcom's characters.


Posted by Mike Lief at December 20, 2006 08:10 PM | TrackBack


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