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December 25, 2006

Israeli deathwish

Are the Israelis intent on committing national suicide? Well, accidental-Prime Minister Ehud Olmert appears to be hell-bent on making it easy for terrorists to kill his countrymen.

In case you haven't noticed, the reason for the increasing number of rocket attacks into Israel has been the incredible success of the border checkpoints in preventing terrorists from carrying bomb-laden vests from Arab-controlled lands into the Jewish state. The number of splodey-dopes who succeeded in taking Israeli men, women and children with them in gore-flecked, shrapnel laced blasts has dropped to zero thanks to the checkpoints.

And the response from Olmert?

Despite opposition within the IDF, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert approved in principle on Monday the removal of several West Bank roadblocks as part of a series of gestures aimed at boosting Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

Following an afternoon meeting with IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz and OC Central Command Maj.-Gen. Yair Naveh, Olmert decided to remove 27 roadblocks.

And what was happening to encourage this incredible, one-sided display of stupidity? What good-faith efforts had been made by the Arabs to justify this gesture?

During the day, four Kassam rockets were fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip. One of them hit a strategic installation in southern Ashkelon.

A statement from Olmert's office said he approved streamlining checkpoints and removing roadblocks "to strengthen moderate [Palestinian] elements."

I'm not sure how to say, "Kick me!" in Hebrew, but it must sound a lot like "to strengthen moderate [Palestininan] elements."

This has been a busy week; Olmert must be part of an Arab sleeper-cell.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert suggested on Sunday he could release some Palestinian prisoners this week, even though Gaza militants have yet to free a captured Israeli soldier.

Israel has been under U.S. and European pressure to take steps to bolster moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in a power struggle with the Islamic militant group Hamas, which ousted Abbas's Fatah faction in a parliamentary poll last year.

At their first formal meeting on Saturday, Olmert pledged to release $100 million in withheld tax revenues to Abbas, bypassing the Hamas-led government.

Of course, that money will never be used to pay for the explosives that blow Israelis to bits, nor to reward the families of the bombers.

Do Israelis realize that Olmert has effectively surrendered?

Golda Meir weeps.

Posted by Mike Lief at December 25, 2006 10:34 PM | TrackBack


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