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December 26, 2006

Et tu, Flipper?

The latest atrocity from the front lines.

A 27-year-old woman was seriously injured after she was hit by a leaping dolphin near Slipper Island in the western reaches of the Bay of Plenty this afternoon.

A spokesman for the Auckland rescue helicopter said the woman was sitting in the bow of a small pleasure craft around 2.30pm today when it appeared a dolphin miscalculated its leap out of the water.

"It jumped up out of the water and hit the woman, giving her a number of injuries," the spokesman said.

No further information on the woman's injuries was available, but she is Auckland Hospital's intensive care unit in a serious condition.

The dolphin swam off unharmed.

The spokesman said the call-out was a first for the Auckland rescue helicopter.

"I've never heard of a dolphin hitting someone on a boat. You can't even catch them on lures when you go gamefishing. They're too smart."

It appeared the dolphin leapt from quite a distance and just didn't see the boat, he said.

Yeah, right. The dolphin, too smart to fall prey to the fisherman's lure just happens to look the other way.

I don't think so.

Remember, this is the same year that the stingrays took out their greatest nemesis: Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin.

I'll add this one to my file.

Incidence of humans bodyslammed into the ICU by fish mammals ashamed to admit they're really fish while on the couch: .000000000023 per trillion.

Posted by Mike Lief at December 26, 2006 09:50 AM | TrackBack


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