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January 09, 2007

Be prepared

I told you folks about Kim Du Toit's post on people who want to depend on their better-prepared neighbors in an emergency; he now follows up with a discussion of what ought to be in everyone's SHTF kit.

Kim provides a thorough checklist of the items the Du Toit clan have gathered -- for those of us too lazy to do additional research -- but there's useful information in the comments, too.

Living in SoCal, earthquakes, fire and riots are the most common disasters we face; I've been here for the 'quakes of '71 and '94, as well as numerous fires, and my parents were in L.A. for the Rodney King riots, too. In every instance, we were able to stay at home and wait for the local authorities to restore power, water, put out the fires and kill control the rioters.

As some of Kim's readers correctly point out, having enough food and water to stay put is often all you need to deal with most disasters. At a minimum, three-days supplies is the least anyone ought to have stored at home; who wants to have to leave the house after the next earthquake to get something to eat and drink?

I'd rather make the trek to the (Costco) shelves in the garage and retrieve some (Costco) water and a few cans of (Costco) tuna and (Costco) beans, then pull a (Costco) book out of the rubble and ride out the aftershocks.

Have you started your SHTF cache?

Posted by Mike Lief at January 9, 2007 11:35 PM | TrackBack


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