
May 07, 2007

Lead, follow, or get out of the way

It doesn't get more to-the-point than this message to the Democrats, courtesy of Uncle Jimbo at Blackfive.

You can't end a war, you can only win it or lose it. Movies end, meetings end, wars are won or lost and the cost associated makes that a vital distinction. So if you want to end this war that is causing you so much angst and anguish then grow a pair and vote to lose it now. Rescind the President's authority to conduct the war and shut off the funding immediately.

If not, then STFU and stay out of the godamn way! We are trying to end it too, just by winning.

Have you signed the petition yet?

Posted by Mike Lief at May 7, 2007 07:03 AM | TrackBack


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