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July 16, 2006

New York Times: They've finally taken a side

Via Michelle Malkin comes word that the NY Times has finally decided to come down in favor of one side in the fight over in Iraq.

Which side are they on? The New York Times settles the question definitively with a hysterical, unreality-based lead editorial today recycling the BDS attacks on the War on Terror--but even more so with this disgusting pictorial tribute to Iraqi terrorists killing American soldiers, spotted by the vigilant Charles Johnson at LGF. The picture featured by the Times is just one of many being hawked here as a photo compilation titled "In the Company of God by award-winning New York Times photographer, Joao Silva."

Malkin links to an outstanding quote by Jeff Goldstein.

Writes Times assistant managing editor for photography Michele McNally of a photo taken by NYT photographer Joao Silva showing an al-Sadr army sniper in the act of firing on US troops, “Right there with the Mahdi army. Incredible courage.”

Incredible courage? Well, far be it for me to question such self-congratulatory enthusiasm, but it seems to me that actual “incredible courage” would have entailed, say, Joao Silva getting word to US troops, or bumrushing the sniper and beating him unconscious with a heavy telephoto lens.

Whereas what we’ve witnessed here is the product of (admittedly) dangerous opportunism in the service of plaudits and cocktail party invites.

But then, I’m still into the whole bourgeois nationalism thing.

Disgusting. Simply depraved. It's one thing for us to see photos taken by the enemy of their terrorists in the act of killing GIs. It's entirely something else to see employees of U.S. media doing the same thing.

Oh, wait. Enemy media, U.S. media, it's all the same.

Posted by Mike Lief at July 16, 2006 10:47 AM | TrackBack


It struck me yesterday as I drove past a billboard blaming George Bush for 2000 dead Americans in Iraq, that the anti-American Americans of the self-loathing left have successfully detached themselves from rationality by blaming Bush instead of the murderous slime who actually did the killings. What sort of disconnect goes on in their minds when they are angrier at the president than they are at the killers?

Posted by: The Little Coach at July 18, 2006 12:05 PM

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